Ankh for Technology Services

Website Not Converting? 10 Fixes to Improve Lead Generation

generate leads with website convert

Conversion rate and lead generation are perhaps two of the most over-used words in content marketing.

But, for a reason. Your website, your awesome content profile, and amazing social media all have one goal to convert to paying clients. Similarly, lead generation is the longer game, often associated with B2Bs where we establish your business as a thought leader and share amazing free resources to build trust with potential clients and get them to give us their contacts (aka generate warm leads) to sell them a solution down the line.

Your business website can be a lead-generating machine if you fix a few things. Here are 10 quick fixes that will get you there.

Of course, if you need someone to do it for you, contact us for an auditing session of your website

1-Speed It Up

Nobody likes a slowpoke website, optimize your load time by:

ِِِA-Reducing the size of images per page

B-Limiting animation and dynamic features

C-Optimize your hosting by ensuring sufficient memory and bandwidth

2-Clear, Hard-to-Resist CTAs

Your Call-to-Action is your virtual salesperson. A visitor checks all the amazing information and benefits you can offer them, and then guess what…they’re left to guess what to do next.

A-Add around two CTAs per page; ideally one CTA after each section on a given page

B-Ensure all your CTAs are clear, compelling, and hard to resist

3-Trust Signals are Key

Add testimonials, reviews, certifications, and any proof of your quality. They’re social proof that builds trust and your fuel for lead generation.

4-Benefit-Focused Headlines

You have mere seconds to grab attention, make sure your headlines are bold, clear, and benefit-focused.

5-Clear Value Proposition

Why should someone choose you? Make your value proposition crystal clear, in a prominent place on your website, and is irresistible.

6-A/B Testing Is Your Best Friend

Don’t rely on guesswork, test different elements of your website to see what resonates best with your audience.

Use Microsoft Clarity’s heatmap to analyze how visitors are reacting with different versions of the same page.

7-Simplify Your Forms

Ever faced a form so long that it felt like a loan application?

Keep your forms short and sweet. The less work for the user, the better.

8-User-Friendly Navigation

If your site’s a maze, visitors will bounce. People and executives don’t like to guess or work hard to reach the information they need.

Make sure your navigation is intuitive and information can be found with a maximum of 3 clicks.

9- Simplify Your Mobile Version

Rarely do users scroll to the bottom of a long page, this means far less scrolling on mobile devices, consider removing some elements for smaller screens.

10- Re-fresh and Update Your Content Monthly

Not any random updates, of course. Keep your eye on Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and Microsoft Clarity. These three websites alone will show you what people are searching for, which pages are performing better, and which sections your visitors are interested more in reading.

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